Saturday, September 6, 2014

September Currently

Linking up with Farley for Septembers Currently!

Listening:  I fell asleep watching TV, and woke up to Lindsey Johnston's request for her Featured Friday, and now I am linking up (very late)...since I just woke up, I have no clue what's on, and I'm too lazy to search for the remote....ahhh...Saturdays!

Loving:  I taught English and Social Studies for five years, and kindergarten before that, and all subjects before I taught science at Purdue.  Well, I switched BACK to just Math and Science and LOVE IT!  Not Math as much as SCIENCE!  I love the exploration, hands on learning, team work, and light bulbs that go off with science!  

Thinking:  I really had cleaning on my agenda, knocking out the stack of bills, and brought home work....but that list will be there tomorrow.  It was nice to relax today and take a nap!

Wanting:  Our raises are based on our performance as a teacher and student performance on the state mandated assessments.  Since 100% of my students passed the test, and because I do so well teaching :),  I receive a raise this year.  The bad part, teachers that didn't have 80% pass have to wait for the state to come out with growth reports.  If 80% of their students show growth, they can get a raise as long as their performance assessments were great.  I could be waiting until December for that pay raise...

Needing:  I love teaching Science, but those experiments are expensive!  We do a 1-2 labs a week, and that can get pricey!  Guess I'll be writing some grants this year! :)

Trips:  I love any beach.  It takes me to a better, relaxed place!  This year my daughter's school trip is to Machu Pichu and the Amazon in Peru.  She desperately wants to go...we shall see!  Next years trip is to Italy.  That will happen!  My family lives in Roma, Italia, and I can't wait to see them!  

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

August Back to School Teacher Photo Challenge

August for most of us is BACK TO SCHOOL month!  Join me in taking the August Back to School Teacher Photo Challenge!   I created it so you can show off your school pride, and also so your followers can get to know you better!  Enjoy and tag me in your fun! @flipflopsandfifthgrade

Friday, July 25, 2014

Weekly Linky Party

I'm linking up with for this weeks weekly linky party!

I helped one of my greatest friends with her principal interview by creating  letterhead.  Part of her interview was to create a letter introducing herself to the staff and families of the school.  I thought it would look better if she create a letterhead with the school mascot and school colors then just a plain Microsoft letter.  I'm SO excited for her as she will hear back today on whether or not she got the job!  

I created an August Back to School Teacher Challenge!!!  I hope you all join in on the fun!!!

I took these cuties to the local 4-H Fair.  They are FEARLESS!  They loved the rides....and what's the point in going to a fair if you don't get an elephant ear...and funnel cake!   

I celebrated what would have been this little guys second birthday.  This is my nephew Brenton, and he passed away in January 2013 at daycare at 6 months.  Losing someone so precious definitely puts things into perspective!

I have been working on my cards for the Midwest Teacher Blogger Meet Up!  I can't wait to meet everyone!  

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Working on chevron labels for my students supply baskets.  I'm putting numbers on the labels instead of names so I don't have to change them out each year, and I can get the labels on the baskets now instead of waiting on my class list!  I think assigning each student a number helps with management and organization.


Our school is going 1:1 this year!  We have adopted Canvas Instructure as our management tool.  Sitting in on a train the trainer session.  Can't wait to get the iPads in our students hands!  

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Teacher Appreciation Sales!

Walmart is hosting a teacher appreciation sale the week of July 25th!  During that time, teachers can receive 10% off school supplies.  The sale is only good IN store.  Once you check out, register your receipt at by entering your schools information and your receipt transaction code.  They will email you a gift card with the 10% back.  

Monday, July 21, 2014


My students have 6 usernames and passwords to memorize throughout the school year!  It's a lot for them to remember!  I created two different documents to help keep student logins in one central location!  I created individual student login forms so they can keep their usernames and passwords in their binder, desk, or locker.  I also created a teacher login form for each website.  That way they have all their students usernames and passwords for a given website in one place!  

TPT Freebie

I'm celebrating my new blog and my new adventure in TPT!  Enjoy my Chevron Table Signs in my TPT store!  

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Midwest Teacher Bloggers Meet Up

Want to join the fun?  Head over to Facebook and search "Midwest Teacher Bloggers Meet Up" and get information on our fall meet up!  I'm excited to meet other teachers and bloggers, and to expand my network!   Hope to see other Midwesterners there too!  


Head over to to sign up for the August #slantbox!  It's a great way to meet and network with teachers!  I started #slantbox in May and met Lindsey Johnston who helped create my blog design!  Sign up deadline is the 3rd of August!